Joined May 2014


Salt Lake City, UT

Posted to Django Middleware-like design pattern over 1 year ago

It seems that you could do something similar with decorators too.

Posted to POSTing from Angular to Django over 1 year ago

@yannikmesserli, that is a really good point. I found this is really useful for those times when I need to write a small little function based view that doesn't need the overhead or is more complex to try to write in the Django Rest Framework. This mostly happened when I was going in an optimizing certain sections that needed to be as fast as possible.

I just ran into this issue with Django and Angular. I didn't want to write a custom solution in Angular, so I wrote a solution that allows Django to load the JSON data. This way I can just write it in plain Angular and my solution in Django allows me to just write normal Django too.

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