Joined June 2013

Lemuel Uhuru

New York City

Nice article, but all jobs are not created equal, we all care for the waiter and wish they would get paid more as well as any person working a menial job for a menial wage but the relationship you have drawn is erroneous for obvious reasons. Seriously the whole "Engineers get paid too much" rant kills me and it really goes to demonstrate that even those who work in the Engineering field aren't very rational in their thinking at times. In some sense I feel it comes off as more of a brag/ whine, it may seem insignificant but it's not, sitting on a computer all day typing code is a chore most people would rather not have. Is a plumber beneficial to society, absolutely, he/she provides a service for our most basic needs but it also doesn't take much to fulfill their position. Do many people have what it takes to be a quality Engineer? Providing numerous quality products and services for people, simplifying their lives, bringing them closer together, whether its an online mapping service that gets them from destination A to B within good times, managing a site like 'Facebook' that keeps people connected, or a site like Zoc Doc that prevents you from seeing a potentially bad doctor. Web Engineers have developed very valuable businesses and products that serve billions, I think of the time saving social apps that I use today that were inconcievable in the past and time is perhaps our most invaluable commodity.

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