Joined August 2013

Kevin D. Clark

over here

Posted to Bullshit Interviewers over 1 year ago

My favorite Real World bullshit interview question involved some "very senior" engineer asking some pointed questions about some C code....which looked like vomit. It was the usual "what does this {vomit-looking} code output?" sort-of question. After staring at the code for a minute, I answered "I think that the output of this code is undefined -- it violates the sequence-point rules of the C standard".

Well now, this was not The Right Answer that Mr. Bullshit Interviewer wanted to hear. "It produces {this} output" he said. Furthermore, he had never even heard of "sequence points" and he seemed to be strongly inclined to believe that I was making stuff up.

I was bitter at not getting the job for a while, but, I guess in retrospect, it was an INTERVIEW -- you know -- an EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION....and I think that I learned far more about this organization than this organization had learned about me...

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