Joined August 2017


PHD at ENSEM Morocco

Please can you give me ur contact ,
After change lastwidthlong = 125;
the result is important but the mistake to check if a point is in road is important so i think it's not useful to increase the length to a large number, else delta error increases

Hi i'm sorry for the late response , because i have a lot off task to execute ,
your code ;
var polygonCoordinates=[];
for (var i=0; i<polygon.coordinates.length; ++i) {
var current = polygon.coordinates[i];
for (var j=0; j<current.length; ++j)
not working wal for another example, check it from :

I think that's you are rigth , Because the probleme is occured juste when the path have the short polyline in the some place , that's why the intersect method fail to recognize the correct way.

HI @rgonzalez_in, Unfortunately no, I have not found a solution, if not I will share it, I posted this problem in the group of JSTS, and they are aborted this topic without answer.

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