This rocks! Except I get this error:
Vim: Warning: Input is not from terminal.
And then my terminal gets really messed up after I exit vim. This works better for me (bash):
vi $(git diff --name-only --diff-filter=U)
I made the following alias in my git config:
do = !"vim $(git diff --name-only)"
Thanks @konstantin. vim-css-color looks awesome. I've been avoiding that zencoding thing for a while. I should probably learn to use that.
Lots of people say Vundle is better but I prefer Pathogen. I don't see the advantage of Vundle. Also I'm already using submodules in my repo because it has all my dotfiles in there. Using Vundle would just add commands I need to run in addition to the git submodule ones I'm already running.
Interesting. Wow and I thought I was way overthinking my dotfiles. :)
I have one set of dotfiles. Whenever a host needs something special, I create a .bashrc.local or .vimrc.local (or whatever) and source that. So far this has been good enough.
Also, I prefer to have symlinks in my home directory so I can edit them and use the changes now instead of first running a command to sync my home directory.
Even if I were to do this, I don't understand why vcsh chooses to use mr and multiple repos. Isn't a single repo enough? Maybe you have to be a sysops person to want this?
Clever. There is unix command that does this called 'watch'
watch -- du -h errorlog
(updated to correct mistakes)
tpope's vim-eunuch plugin has a :SudoWrite command:
Thanks! That does work.
Nice. I didn't know that. Btw 'upstream' only works on newer versions of git. Use 'tracking' if you are not on the latest git.
I can never remember this
I use this: inoremap jj <esc>
Nice. I didn't know that. You can do it in Chrome too.
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Cool, I like this. I didn't know about --since. I've also been trying to learn about my productivity through git. I wrote git-spark to plot my commit history over time on the command line. Now I want to add a --since option.