Joined September 2013

Julie Ng

Munich, Germany

Yes, I am trying to get the PATH you typed above to work.

./bin : (rbenv shims) : /usr/local/bin : /usr/bin

But from what I understand, it's not possible because rbenv always enters the shims before all other PATHs

Anyway, I find the tip to enter ./bin to the PATH. I just can't get it to work and will give up for now. But thanks for all your help :-)

which rake still doesn't show the local rake…but rather the shim.

I checked rbenv's Unterstanding Shims and it seems that is wanted behavior, that the shims are before other PATH.

Assuming that, would my local rake ever take precedence (see console log below)?

Or is everything working behind-the-scenes correctly and I shouldn't expect which rake to show my local rake? When you run the command in your projects, do you get your local rake? Then maybe it's me…

Sorry for all the newbie questions!

$ echo $PATH

$ ls bin/
bundle* guard*  rails*  rake*

$ which rake

$ rbenv which rake

Edit: commands were executed inside my rails project folder root.


after reading the Understanding binstubs article, I tried your tip of adding export PATH="./bin:$PATH" to my bash_profile

But, in a new shell window, when I run rbenv which rake inside my rails project, I am shown:


Is that correct? I expected it to show me the rake binstub in my projects bin folder.

Am I misunderstanding something?

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