By the way, you included package control in your list that you said is All installed via package control lol, but I think it has to be installed manually.
Shameless plug (I am the plugin author) but anyone curious which specific plugin he is referring to when he says:
Seeing the current file diff in The Gutter
Is the GitGutter package.
Oh and thanks for the mention Nicholas!
@javier_toledo you missed understood what I was talking about. I will explain the real world example. I was creating a base Backbone.View class that defined a render method, the render method called a template method that the base class did not define but expected descendent classes to define. A descendant class would extend this base class and just define what template to use, but the inheritance would not work correctly unless I enclosed the template function inside another function.
As for your second paragraph, you could not be more far from the truth. The difference between CoffeeScript and all those other languages is that there is nothing that executes CoffeeScript code, CS gets converted into JS before executing. So it IS JavaScript when it runs. Those other languages like Ruby are true languages, yes Ruby was written in C but it is a real language with an interpreter, it does not get converted into C and then run in the C interpreter. As long as CS is converted into JS before it is executed it can never be more or do more. Now it can be an awesome abstraction that makes writing JS fun, concise, and fast, however.
I love CoffeeScript, but is is not a real OOP language. (It can't be when it is essentially just JS) It fakes OOP, and it does a desent job, but you will realize the limitations when you start doing heavy extending.
One example: Lets say B extends A, and adds property b. Now A has a method a that uses property b. Well unless b is a function that returns a value, B won't be able to use it inside a. (Because extending in CS is not extending in the true OO sense) Try it.
But never the less, I do much prefer writing CS to JS.
Cool, one of my coworkers is with using pry remote to work with Pow
@icoolninja You are correct, that is something I already do, but it is good to mention it here.
Well, thats not really built into it, but as long as it as been invoked once before (meaning its in the collection of views it is keeping track of) you can type "ctrl+`" to open the console and run:
Although I may add that as a feature in the future. Glad you like it.
Or you can think of it like this,
any time you would normally do:
var that = this;
foo = function(){
do this
foo = => doSomethingWith(@)
otherwise use a skinny arrow.
Thats good to know, I have always done this:
git co oldname
git co -b newname
git branch -d oldname
You guys need to do a better job of announcing these things. I visit coderwall a few times a week, yet I am just find out about this now (too late) and I only found out about the game off achievements after Thanksgiving (nearly too late). Maybe have a dedicated news page announcing such things instead of hoping everyone will notice the pro tips with all the other pro tip noise.
- +"23 people" == NaN
- parseInt("23 people", 10) == 23
I will stick with parseInt. (unless I want it to fail when it contains non numeric chars)
@leemachin pry is what I use as well.
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When switching from CoffeeScript back to Ruby I always forget to put commas in my multi line hashes.