Joined September 2014

Jorge Arturo Adolio Cascante

Costa Rica

Good Afternoon,

I was following your guide with the change that I'm using JPA 2.1 with Hibernate 4.3.6.Final in Glassfish 4.

The thing is that I'm using netbeans to migrate a Maven Project from Glassfish 3 to 4 and after copying and pasting all the .jars from Hibernate when I Clean and Build the project I'm still getting a java.lang.ClassCastException which is related to an database entity that is trying to be casted as the same class in a for loop.

Another error that I'm getting is with the java.lang.EJBException which I don't know why it is generated.

Could you please advice me what steps or dependencies I need to define on the Maven's pom.xml file in order to have this working correctly?

Thank you.

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