Joined October 2013

IT Offshore


Posted to Running rootless fail2ban on debian over 1 year ago

Very helpful - you need to insert a first IPTABLES command for the new chain:

iptables -N F2B

Make sure you only set one "banaction" in /etc/fail2ban/jail.local (if you copied it from jail.conf).

Also change /etc/logrotate.d/fail2ban to work for the non root user.

If you are running the latest dropbear (1.4) not OpenSSH:

Correct the fail2ban regex filter to have capital "L"ogin & "B"ad:in /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/dropbear.conf:

failregex = ^%(__prefix_line)sLogin attempt for nonexistent user ('.*' )?from <HOST>:.*\s*$
        ^%(__prefix_line)sBad password attempt for .+  from <HOST>:.*\s*$

** Looks like the lastest Dropbear deb package from has now incorporated this correction **

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