Joined July 2014

Isabelle Fily-Paré

Quebec, Canada

Thank you so much!

so I followed the instruction to install pip and I think it worked.

For the Xcode's, I think I also installed the command line tools with the xcode.
Should I try to remove macports or those Xcode's I installed yesterday? (I just want to get the libxml2 in the easiest way, if this brew commas works better, i rather use it)

When I just run the command macports install libxml2, the terminal says that the command not found

and sudo macports install libxml2 gives the same result.

so I still can't install that libxml2

thanks again for your help!!


It seems like you've manage to install libxml2 without too much trouble. I wish I could do your simple step but as a newby with code lines, I struggle.

I have a mac and it runs os 10.9. I tried to install libxml2, but it seems like a puzzle to solve. There is a lot of programme to install and I don't fully understand. Further explanation would help me a lot.

I've installed macport. I also got the Xcode's and installed them.

I've downloader python and installed it (but I never make it to launch it). Is there other things to do to have the software functional?

I couldn't install the pip (python package manager if I understood). Is it necessary? I don't have the setuptool on python either. Python web page didn't helped me out... I just don't understand where I should enter the command lines. (I repeat that i'm not familiar with code lines).

I dowloaded lxml and libxml... but i don't understand how to install them....

I would be deeply appreciated if you could provide more detail or reference me to a website that give clear informations.

I seeked a lot to find the informations I needed by myself, but as I am a newly with code lines, those pages didn't gave me a clue.

Thanks in advance for your help and understanding of my situation regarding my computer knowledge. :)

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