@datishans While I agree with naming things so they're blinding obvious, and with autocompletion in most decent IDEs there's no reason not to, it's worth noting that in loosely typed languages (e.g. PHP) the comment is pretty vital to being able to work out what arguments to supply to a method. As well as for generating documentation (which I rarely bother with in well commented code) it also helps your IDE to display pretty info to you when autocompleting.
@padawin: nice article and definitely a practice I'm going to adopt
Interesting idea, but it might be a bit safer to lock it down based on IP or hostname rather than a simple flag.
Or better still - only allow the script to be run on localhost.
Or better...don't have the script on your public facing server at all!
I, for one, welcome our Immediately Invoked Function Expression Overlords.