Joined February 2013

Jared Davis

Software Engineer at KennaSecurity
Chicago, IL

Posted to The Concept of Pointers over 1 year ago

no code examples in this post?

Posted to A Better Fibonacci over 1 year ago

@ludwinas corrected, thanks

Posted to Index of minimum element of a list over 1 year ago

very cool. Can you explain a bit more about what it means that "the default order of tuples in Python is lexicographical" ?

Posted to A Better Fibonacci over 1 year ago

Thanks for the comments, @davidka !

Try reading for a better explanation of Ruby's lambda's than I'm able to provide.

If you're interested in reading more about PHI, I recommend Mario Livio's The Golden Ratio for starters. It's been a long time since I've read it, but I recall the book having a good overview of the number and it's history -- including the supposed Parthenon interpretation.

Posted to A Better Fibonacci over 1 year ago

@antonov nice!

Keep the advice coming everyone; I'll refactor over the weekend -- Thanks!

Posted to A Better Fibonacci over 1 year ago

@alfre2v Yes, that's absolutely correct, and for two reasons. 1) The value of PHI used here is a standard Ruby Float, where as the mathematical constant is transcendental (infinite, non-repeating decimal). 2) Not all real numbers are representable by floating point numbers of any size.

The largest Fibonnaci number discoverable by this code is n = 1474,


which does not match the known value for the 1474th Fibonnaci.

I'm going to give others a chance to calculate where the computed and actual series diverge; but if someone doesn't I'll post the answer ( finding the answer shouldn't take more than a few minutes ).

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