Joined May 2013

Alex Heusingfeld

Hilden, Germany

Posted to Bash script to switch java version over 1 year ago

@zilti Sorry, if I wasn't too precise about this: It's not meant for a single application, but for different applications you start via command line. I have several old applications which don't run with JDK8, yet, which is my command line default at the moment.

Therefore I added the above to each app's "run script" which I found to be redundant and therefore externalized it so I can use it from the scripts as well as from the command line.

Had to add a semicolon to make it work in my ~/.profile on Mac OS X 10.8.4 but then it's great! Thanks for sharing

grepcode() {
        find ~/dev/repos -type d -name .git | parallel "cd {.} && git grep --color -I --full-name -i '$@' | sed 's@^\(.*\):@{.}\1: @'";
Posted to Git Branch Graph over 1 year ago

Thanks! Already added to my .profile ;)

alias tree="git log --graph --full-history --all --color --pretty=format:\"%x1b[31m%h%x09%x1b[32m%d%x1b[0m%x20%s\""

I thought Ctrl + 3 was the black magic shortcut you will never want to miss again.

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