Newest Programming Tips
Switching your entire project to tabs/spaces
0 responses
tabs, spaces, code style
A snippet for initializing debug on sublime text
Nadeesha Cabral
0 responses
debug, sublime-text, editors, javascript
Express router chaining, REST API user adding, nodejs
Dénes Pál
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generators, rest, js, api
Rate limiting Shopify API using Cuttle Proxy
KS Chan
0 responses
proxy, api, shopify, rate limit
Grep and AG - file searching, ignoring and multiple parameters (also benchmarking)
Tony Narlock
0 responses
grep, ag, the_silver_searcher
Component Isolation For Failure Tolerance
Matthew Dodds
0 responses
design, architecture, components, failover
packages management commands in CentOS
Jeff Li
0 responses
centos, rpm, yum
Docker command arguments
Jeff Li
0 responses
centos, docker
rails helper methods to load images
0 responses
ruby, rails, image, metaprogramming
Debugging Ansible
Jorge Dias
0 responses
debugging, ansible
Expose shadowsocks to homebrew by Polipo
Jeff Li
0 responses
mac, homebrew
SwissDB: ActiveRecord for RubyMotion Android
Jon S
0 responses
activerecord, sqlite, android, sql
Media call Mixins with Less
Jeff Tindell
1 response
css, bootstrap, media, less
Word based count on a piece of text
Bharath ツ
0 responses
bash, text processing, word count
Checking if a parameter exists with ExpressJS
0 responses
expressjs, nodejs
Randomize Cowsay Critters
Joel Kirchartz
0 responses
random, motd, bash, cowsay
How I fixed my "You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page." Wordpress Admin issue
Pierre-Luc Pepin
0 responses
permissions, error, wordpress
Lollipop Click Effect (ripple)
Willian Keller
0 responses
keyframes, transform, android, lollipop
Install Docker in CentOS 6.4
Jeff Li
0 responses
centos, docker
Easy way to secure column in database with Rails
Alexander Simonov
0 responses
rails, secure
Customize InforCRM Customer Portal Security
Nicolas Galler
0 responses
nico_g, inforcrm
How to NOT query ActiveRecord datetime
Rafael Oliveira
2 responses
rails, activerecord, postgresql