Joined October 2013

Adam Hardwick

United Kingdom

Posted to Quick Protip #1 - HTML over 1 year ago

Tables are specifically for holding tabular data - they describe how the data is made up of columns and rows. Your page layout doesn't have any intrinsic column or row nature to them, so tables aren't suitable.

If you want a div to be displayed like a table, then put that information in the place that display information belongs: CSS. Use display: [table, table-row, table-column, table-cell, etc...] to get you divs (or other semantically appropriate tags) to display like they're tables.

A few months ago, I would have agreed. But now that Microsoft has withdrawn support for Windows XP, even the most timid of organisations really needs to upgrade.

Security on the internet is already fragile enough - reticent users need every encouragement they can get to do their part. A concerted effort by the web development community to encourage people to change can't do any harm.

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