Joined February 2012

Pablo Albornoz

Santiago, Chile.

This doesn't feel semantic at all, why not using <li>?

Posted to PHP logical operators as expressions over 1 year ago

This is just an example of short-circuit evaluation in php, but as everyone has been saying, this will just damage the readability of your code, and also steps over the understanding of it. The boolean operators are intended to be used in conjunction with boolean evaluations, and not all of your operations evaluate to boolean, so they feel a bit out place. I won't deny the "cleverness", but if one of the programmers on my team shows me code with this syntax I'll say "very clever, now write it again".

Posted to Quitting OS X Terminal Windows over 1 year ago

@loisaidasam 's solution if fairly the cleanest, and it's right there in the application's settings.

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