Joined June 2012

Filipe Kiss

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Posted to A better git log over 1 year ago

@dshafik Mine also shows the graph :) It just happened to be a flat-line for the screenshots I've chose :P

@martinssipenko That's a great idea, to change branches according to the language :)

@georgeharito I do the same. I just have them in git repositories as well due to versioning :)

Posted to Aliases in Git over 1 year ago

You could have aliased the 'merge' command in git itself, no need to make the alias at your dotfiles. Just use the bang:

git config --global alias.merge "!git checkout production;git merge master --no-ff;git checkout master"

Then you just call git merge and you're good to go. :)

Posted to See no merged branches on git over 1 year ago

@mabraham But I didn't checkout master... I just passed it as reference directly. But you can just call git branch --no-merged to use the current branch as reference without a problem :)

Posted to A better git log over 1 year ago

@askjuise Thank. I've fixed. :)

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