Joined August 2012

Chris Fidao

Digital Surgeons
New Haven, CT

Posted to Serve your current directory over 1 year ago

You can define the port as well

python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8888
Posted to Git Reflog should be your friend over 1 year ago

For anyone confused on rebasing, you can "ignore that" and just think of "reflog" as a handy tool for getting back work which you think you lost.

For example, if you delete a local branch but need some of the work you had in it back, reflog still shows those commits. The commits themselves aren't deleted when you delete a branch!

The rebase example in this post above is actually saying the same thing. Rebasing can make it appear that branches are deleted (well...squashed) into a series of commits.


Ack is great as well. One caveat: On Ubuntu, it's ack-grep:

$ sudo apt-get install ack-grep
$ ack-grep --php 'print_r'

It's true, this gets people a lot on fresh server installs.

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