Eddie Staples
Research Triangle, NC
Very clever use of pseudo classes! There's a lot of potential there. i agree with the other commenters regarding semantics.
Thanks for sharing! Just subscribed to your RSS feed.
On this note, I'd like to add that a link wrapped in a button doesn't work in IE8 and below. Why would anyone do such a thing? It's an attempt at trying to make a link look like a button (instead of using styling directly on the link element or a containing span). Learned that one the hard way!
Very clever, thanks! This has already helped with the carousel plugin. I was looking for a way to easily read and store the value of initiated options, and your solution was perfect:
var interval = $('.carousel').data('carousel').options.interval;
Thanks for sharing, and keep up the good work!
Thanks to you guys, I now have this (most simply):
.carousel .item {
-webkit-transition: .7s ease-in-out opacity;
-moz-transition: .7s ease-in-out opacity;
-ms-transition: .7s ease-in-out opacity;
-o-transition: .7s ease-in-out opacity;
transition: .7s ease-in-out opacity;
left: 0 !important;
.carousel .active.left,
.carousel .active.right {
opacity: 0;
z-index: 2;
/--- ...and only if you're using the prev/next buttons ---/
.carousel .next.left,
.carousel .prev.right {
opacity: 1;
z-index: 1;
data() is also a great way to find out what convenience methods are available to a particular plugin. Thanks again!