great read, check out my theme and take a read of my < it covers a few things you may or may not know ;)
The other thing is to be careful what info you add, e.g. you don't want to share your ssh keys on github.
Planets are good for us. We have a small number of servers. When we run out of planets we'll move onto starts and more distant objects. :)
great handy tip.
thanks to @insom for the following tweet and helpful hint.
Its a stupid shortcut in all fairness. But out the box people wouldnt know and the time spent holding the back key is mental.
Very useful tip. Google maps can be such a pain due to the extensive and unorganised documentation.
@neutralino1 Yea, its definitely an underused technique. I used a similar technique on a micro-controller for a burglar alarm. With 8 zones, we need just 3 bytes to control whether they are enabled, alarmed and triggered. Then its just a matter of setting up alarms/switches and LED's to trigger these points.
Bitwise operators are just not taught in main stream anymore.
@mikeymike I think you will appreciate this one.
Thats a sweet tip
This would have been the only way dev's stored things years back, when memory was an issue. Wouldn't it be nice to see how fast modern code could be if time was spent to speed it up.
I love these short commands :)
See my article for the top tip's on daily ZSH use.
Shell porn
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Python 3

Very good tip, did not know this.