Joined September 2013

Kenneth McCall

Dev Ops Engineer IV at Megapath

I want to have a CS. I think there are a lot things I could learn. I've worked with people with CS degrees and they've taught me a couple things. But, sometimes they bring things in that they thought was the holy world, which was most of went "WTF is wrong with you?!". Just because you spent money on something and they taught you something, doesn't mean that it's good for real life.

"The world is completely unfair in this respect. For example, when I see the wait staff at a restaurant running around to serve dinner, I feel these people as working much harder than any internet engineer you’ll ever see."

This example I feel is a horrible one. If you are truly an engineer, then you are using your brain to connect things that are not obvious or are creating something completely new. Taking an order from a table and delivering to the cook, getting drinks/refills and delivering food is really easy. Dealing with peoples attitudes can be a pain in the ass, but the job pretty much entails physical work and not much on thinking, only memorization. I wont say that all physical jobs are not though involved, but digging a ditch can be done by any able body.

Of course there are lot of people that are over paid, that should be working as the assistant to the the junior web developer.

I've worked with several females in the programming arena. It is rare to see, but I think men tend to put them down because they feel threatened by them.

"Avoid SQL joins in your website code"
There is a trade off in this. You can make a large set of columns in your database, which can replicate the same set of data hundreds of times, which equates to more disk space usage. Or you could not use relations at all an handle it in your app which mean more code. Or you could do relations and sacrifice a little performance.

Managers are a lot a like in most areas of work. Not just in our sector.

Ah, the memories of working from 7 to midnight....

The Bay Area is over hyped. I was born there, I lived there. I now live in a totally different area. There are a lot of companies with shitty ideas. Usually they are small and it's run by someone that doesn't have a clue on how to really manage a company and are more about getting $$$, with out thinking about their employees.

I tend to remember people as "They were a great engineer, They were a good person (They didn't really know what was up), They were a dick and didn't know WTF they were doing.

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