Joined November 2012

David Villarama

Los Angeles, CA

Posted to Bullshit Interviewers over 1 year ago

I worked for a company for more than a decade before having to interview again. I thought that since I can write code I should be able manage my way through interviews...

I was wrong. I find out technical interviews is a skill set very different from the job I've been doing.

In other fields, an experience skilled person can show their skills by showing what they have been doing for years. If you want to see if a chef can cook, let him cook for you.

In our field, you are asked to write code on a white board. You are also asked to write something irrelevant like 'reverse a linked lists' or 'reverse a string in place'.

This is like asking a chef to cook for you using only a campfire and canned sardines.

But there is hope, I see that a few good companies are replacing the tech interview with pair programming. Basically, they code with the person for a certain amount of time.

To me, this makes sense. If you want to see a programmer can write code? Let him/her write code.

@carlodicelico - Using github only works for software engineers who work in open source projects. You are missing out on a lot of good programmers.

Most BS question that I ever got:

A store sells 3 types of pies but will usually have only 2 types of pies available. If pie A and pie B are available, pick A. If pie B and pie C are available, pick pie B. If pie A and pie C are available, pick pie C.
Question, what if all 3 types pies are available. Which pie would YOU pick?

I asked it was a trick question and they claimed it was not. They were laughing and high fiving each other as I was struggling to figure out what they wanted from me.

By the way, the answer was, pick the pie YOU want.

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