Joined May 2011

eddie cianci

Senior Developer at Litmus
Lowell, MA, US

Posted to Enable unicode support in IRB over 1 year ago

cantabip -

good to know, thanks for mentioning!

I also want to point out, Tim Pope has basically rolled up all the readline build integration into this rbenv plugin:

it works, but apparently rbenv passes CONGFIGURE_OPTS to dependent libraries as well.

per we can use RUBY_CONFIGURE_OPTS instead which are just for building MRI.

nice catch!

Posted to Write once, run (Ruby) anywhere over 1 year ago

If you happen to use rbenv, there's a similar plugin available from Chris Eppstein at

Then you can run

rbenv each -v ruby -e 'puts "hello, world"'

And it outputs

[1.9.3-p374]: ruby -e puts "hello, world"
hello, world

[1.9.3-p385]: ruby -e puts "hello, world"
hello, world

[jruby-1.7.2]: ruby -e puts "hello, world"
hello, world
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