Joined June 2018


Deals 4 Boomers
Moscow, Russia

Coupon codes are modern coupons and are often simply a combination of numbers and letters that lead to saving at a particular business or website. Interestingly enough, research shows that receiving a promotional code can be just as enjoyable to the brain as receiving a gift, as they both result in the release of oxytocin Promotional codes are often entered during the checkout phase of someone purchasing a certain item or service.

1. As a company, will you allow only one coupon code at a time? Of course, if you can have a customer enter multiple codes, and still somehow profit – it might be an incentive for bargain buyers to start flooding your website. However, if it leads to dramatically reduced profit, it may not be worth it. The first decision is to decide whether you will allow more than one.
2. Is the code restricted? You may want to ensure a restricted code for a specific customer that had a bad experience before, whether it was shipping-related or involved bad customer service.

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