@magnetikonline I disagree because of merely logic, using a rule like *
applies to every element in your DOM, which at the end is one of the more expensive tasks you can do. Thats why at the end is better to use a normalization of elements, like Normalize.css than use a reset ( my opinion @elad2412 ).
I wrote a post about universal selectors: http://monoku.tumblr.com/post/18624340662/universal-selectors but even one year later I have found that is better to use Normalize.css than use any other reset css.
Finally, I quote Mozzilla: "Use the universal selector very carefully, as it is the most expensive CSS selector in terms of webpage performance."[https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/Universal_selectors]
Well, this remind me this article from Paul Irish http://www.paulirish.com/2012/box-sizing-border-box-ftw/ but I don't know, I've always thought that universal selectors have a heavy performance impact, more if we are changing layout, which implies reflow.
So I consider this solution a bad practice, I can't say I don't use the border-sizing
property, I use it where I need it, but not everywhere!
@nikola @magnetikonline well, you know what? you are all right! I found this article from Todd Angling [http://www.kendoui.com/blogs/teamblog/posts/12-09-28/css_tip_star_selector_not_that_bad.aspx] where he reveals the results from many experiments with CSS in different scenarios. Is really good to know that the use of universal selector have unnoticeable impact in performance.