Joined March 2013

The Spirit Molecule.


Posted to So you want to choose an IDE eh? over 1 year ago

@Zaus I'm sure it's just as good. however, i'm only scraping the surface of PHPStorm with those pointers. It grows on you! : ]
I'll give Visual Studio a Try though, thanks!

@Mechax That was the IDE I moved from, look I won't disagree with your point at all, I'm myself an admirer of how resource efficient , lightening fast sublime text is - coupled with the package control manager.
The only think I'd have in favor of PHPStorm is that it packs all those commonly used plugins in one software. The project management, auto-complete and file searching inside folders is a total life saver, something which sublime misses out on. Do let me know how you like it. : ]

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