Joined June 2013

Daniel Hunsaker

Idaho Falls, ID

Every variable you reference from a binding (be it ng-bind or {{}}) is treated as a scope property. That means {{window.location.href()}} won't work unless you also do $scope.window = $window (and inject $window, of course). It also means that the $root in this view is actually referring to $scope.$root. This is a property of the $rootScope that refers to $rootScope itself, and since every non-isolate scope inherits from its parents, $scope.$root - or $root in a binding - gets you $rootScope.

You're right, though. This should be documented. The Angular docs are notoriously incomplete.

IRSSI will also log chat messages to disk, if you tell it to - the functionality is built in. You'd still want to have IRSSI running as close to 24/7 as possible so that it can log messages sent while you were disconnected from the session. Logging to disk is especially useful when you need to be able to go back to parts of a conversation which have scrolled beyond IRSSI's scroll buffer. It also allows, as noted above, for browser-based review of conversations without having to touch your command line - useful if you want to check in, but don't have time to actually join the conversation.

Be careful, though - some channels on some networks (and, indeed, some of the networks themselves) forbid logging of chat sessions, usually for privacy reasons. We all know that this is a relatively useless measure for privacy protection, but it's still good to keep an eye on the policies for places you connect to and ensure you're not breaking a usage agreement.

Freenode isn't one of those places, thankfully, and essentially by definition.

Posted to Pretty output from remote git over 1 year ago

Not sure how old this is, but there's another control code you can use to improve your output: \e[K This one clears any output after the cursor on the current line, and it does so without moving the cursor. That means you just have to change $'\e[1G' to $'\e[1G\e[K' and you can always skip indentation.

Hope that helps someone else!

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