Joined October 2013
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Using wkhtmltopdf and an Xvfb daemon to render HTML to PDF
over 1 year
I'm using multiple xvfb-run that are not stopped (they run as a daemon). But I'm getting this RANDR missing extension with SlimerJS. Any ideas? Here's the command:
xvfb-run --auto-servernum --server-num=1 --server-args="-ac +extension GLX +extension RANDR +render -noreset" slimerjs ./robot.js
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Can the controllers be the composition root for the DiC? I don't quite understand how all the dependencies can be resolved in the bootstrapping, what does that mean? Stick all the resolutions into the index.php?
I like AngularJS's style of DI, that I understand. I don't understand PHP's style of DI.