Joined February 2013

Richard Bray

Designer & Developer
London UK

Posted to CSS3 Hover Text Slide Effect over 1 year ago

Good question. I haven't tested it but it should work fine in IE11, not sure about IE10.

Awesome, glad my article helped you out.

Posted to Messing about with gulpjs over 1 year ago

gulp-util is used to do a bunch of things with streams from combining them to buffering them. You need it if you want to make your own gulp plugin (I think) and it is required for certain plugins to work.

Posted to CSS3 Hover Text Slide Effect over 1 year ago

That's odd. Here's the link anyway.

Posted to Organise Your Code over 1 year ago

Good point you raise. I personally don't see a reason why it can't be used in production. Yes if you want to make the file size as small as possible then it makes sense to remove unnecessary comments. However if you use a CSS preprocessor like SASS, and comment out like so '//this is commented out', then the compiler will completely ignore this and produced compressed, comment-less css.

Posted to Organise Your Code over 1 year ago

@faceleg Good point. However if you're writing pure css, more files means more http requests which will slow the load times of the site. Writing in a css preprocessor will rectify this issue of multiple files and works well, but a contents section helps you to find files quickly, (especially if you haven't looked at the css in months), and will help other people looking at your code find the styles they need.

Posted to Organise Your Code over 1 year ago

@projectcleverweb Wow thanks, glad I could inspire you. Also a very good article, more detailed than mine.

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