Joined March 2013
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Find files that have changed between two commits
over 1 year
@jwebcat Thanks for that awesome page. I used yours and a few from there too.
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Find files that have changed between two commits
over 1 year
You can't pipe the output of git status
to a script that expects a list of files to operate on,
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Git Alias to Show Affected Files in Last N Commits
over 1 year
Instead of adding it manually to the .gitconfig file, just use the git alias command :
git config --global alias.lsch '"!f() { git diff --name-status -r "HEAD~$1"; }; f"'
To undo it, use git config --global --unset alias.lsch
I also use another alias which allows me to list the changed files between any two commits: git config --global alias.chgd 'diff --name-only'. You use it like so: git chgd master mybranch
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Have at least one original repo where some form of shell script is the dominant language

Have at least one original repo where go is the dominant language

Fork and commit to someone's open source project in need
You can get the contents of the entire modified XML file here:
Save it in the themes folder in your Notepad++ install location.