Joined March 2013


New Zealand

You can get the contents of the entire modified XML file here:

Save it in the themes folder in your Notepad++ install location.

@jwebcat Thanks for that awesome page. I used yours and a few from there too.

You can't pipe the output of git status to a script that expects a list of files to operate on,

Instead of adding it manually to the .gitconfig file, just use the git alias command :
git config --global alias.lsch '"!f() { git diff --name-status -r "HEAD~$1"; }; f"'

To undo it, use git config --global --unset alias.lsch

I also use another alias which allows me to list the changed files between any two commits: git config --global alias.chgd 'diff --name-only'. You use it like so: git chgd master mybranch

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