Joined February 2012

Cameron Daigle

Lover of Pixels at Hashrocket
Jacksonville Beach, FL

Posted to Drop-In Responsive Styles with Sass over 1 year ago

@mikesten yeah, we have similar shortcut mixins for regular @media queries where you're modifying a bunch of attributes rather than just one or two.

Posted to Drop-In Responsive Styles with Sass over 1 year ago

Totally, agreed – it's no replacement for larger @media blocks, it's just for piecemeal stuff.

Posted to Drop-In Responsive Styles with Sass over 1 year ago

@namxam it doesn't, but file size is an optimization issue for minification/gzip (heck, while I don't recommend it, plenty of people START with Bootstrap, which is 100+ KB out of the box), and selector speed is really not a concern on modern devices. There are plenty of other places in an app to optimize performance other than generated CSS :)

@zamber ha! Well, there is a Faker.js out there ( so a Phil layer on top of that seems quite doable; I just have no personal need for it so I doubt I'll be tackling that anytime soon. It'd be fun though.

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