Joined December 2012

Emad Elsaid

Ruby Developer at Blacklane

yes of course there is a way, and koala has some good examples in it's wiki and README file

well about nokojiri, i wanted to avoid it as at some systems it needs XML library and requires some additional installation,
about the last block, yes you are right, i think this would be even better, thanks for this ^_^

the twitter gem readme has a good examples of usage

Posted to Forgiving ruby over 1 year ago

it looks like someone already implemented the idea as a gem even before i come up with

Posted to Create a twitter bot using Ruby over 1 year ago

twitter gem and create a twitter app with read and write paermissions

Posted to Forgiving ruby over 1 year ago

that is right, the above is a only a proof of concept that this is possible not a production technique

Woooooow this amazing

yup, that works like charm :D, thanks

:) i have seen it today, good job Raubarede, i like it.

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