Joined December 2013
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Nephila Komaci
Have at least one original repos where PHP is the dominant language
Nephila Komaci 3
Have at least three original repos where PHP is the dominant language
The walrus is no stranger to variety. Use at least 4 different languages throughout all your repos
Increase developer well-being by sharing at least 20 open source projects
Have a project valued enough to be forked by someone else
Python 3
Have at least three original repos where Python is the dominant language
Would you expect anything less? Have at least one original repo where Python is the dominant language
Have at least one original repo where some form of shell script is the dominant language
Using domain names for environment configs has been dropped in 4.1, use hostnames instead. Overwriting providers like you do in app/config/local/app.php won't work - the arrays are only merged at the top level. You'll need to add the full list of providers.