Joined July 2012

Anders Brownworth

Cambridge, MA

Posted to Index for uuid[] Array Data Type over 1 year ago

IF EXISTS doesn't work for CREATE OBJECT so for that I was testing for duplicate object:

DO $$

    -- -----------------------------------------------------
    -- New Index Type for uuid[] columns
    -- Create a GIN inverted index type for UUID array
    -- columns to enable quick comparisons
    -- -----------------------------------------------------

      OPERATOR 1 &&(anyarray, anyarray),
      OPERATOR 2 @>(anyarray, anyarray),
      OPERATOR 3 <@(anyarray, anyarray),
      OPERATOR 4 =(anyarray, anyarray),
      FUNCTION 1 uuid_cmp(uuid, uuid),
      FUNCTION 2 ginarrayextract(anyarray, internal, internal),
      FUNCTION 3 ginqueryarrayextract(anyarray, internal, smallint, internal, internal, internal, internal),
      FUNCTION 4 ginarrayconsistent(internal, smallint, anyarray, integer, internal, internal, internal, internal),
      STORAGE uuid;

    WHEN duplicate_object THEN
      RAISE NOTICE 'error: %', SQLERRM;
Posted to Persist ulimit settings in Mac OS X over 1 year ago

It isn't specifically limited but setting it unreasonably high might let a process cause the kernel to eat up all available memory. It is a per-process limit and is there to safeguard a runaway process opening file handles from starving the entire system of RAM.

Sorry, I'm not sure on that. As long as you set -Xmx (which it seems you have) you should be good. (could also try setting -Xms to the same value) Maybe there is a memory leak in your version of the code? Has it been updated lately?

Posted to Persist ulimit settings in Mac OS X over 1 year ago

The two numbers represent soft and hard limits. When the soft limit is reached, the process may receive a signal but will be allowed to continue. When it reaches the hard limit, it will be blocked.

Compare your file to - that should define uint32t

@johnson You sure it's still there when during your compile? It might get stripped in some cases during compile.

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