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thank you for your reply, about the superi-ing in the "constructor" we prevent using super in it because the extending class NewFolderView reference a "new" view, which means it has no Id or Name yet, it is a form with a "parentfolderid" only, we wanted it for a file-tree system so it became a need to have many extending classes for a folder like, EditFolderView, NewFolderView, etc...
about the @prototype... well, i have not found any problems on using it but yes @template_path would be accessed using it as a normal global variable and not prototypal like this:
this way we may not need to call it as:
as you say calling it with @prototype may have some issues but i have not found any yet, it may enlighten me if you could give me some info about problems using it.
Correcting myself:
after trying the change in my answer 2 problems may colide:
if we add it as a global variable:
under the inherited @template method it would become unable to use the "newfoldertemplate" variable
is using refference to the class it is declared into (FolderView), when we see it in javascript it is:
and the template path prototypal variables are:
Now looking at the inherited javascript it has no @template function/method because the inheriting class relies in EXTENDING/INHERITING only.
then when we call:
the NewFolderView makes the function work in it's own scope, calling its own version of the template_ path under @template via the @prototype.template_ path