Joined August 2013
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Comma separated list items with SCSS (Oxford comma optional)
over 1 year
You should be able to do &:not(:last-child):after
, and save yourself from typing this part:
&:last-child:after {
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Bootstrap without all the debt
over 1 year
@biggernoise I think this article is outdated, or I'm still missing something. I use Bootstrap, and I have no issues with using it semantically. For exmaple:
main {
@include make-row; /* BS mixin */ {
@include make-lg-column(8); /* Also BS mixin */
I don't see how Foundation is different. Unless we are comparing Bootstrap. Bootstrap since version 2 has offered this functionality and I depend on it now.
The docs are also pretty clear about using the mixins.
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Bootstrap without all the debt
over 1 year
To some of the commenters here, perhaps I am missing something but what is the difference between Bootstrap grids and Foundation grids... Foundation uses "row > small-x large-x columns" while Bootstrap uses "row > col-x col-sm-x col-lg-x". How is one more semantic than the other?
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You can use
render partial: 'foo', collection: @items
and then remove the manual iteration you do inside the item partial.