Joined March 2016
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Rapoo T300P touch-pad in Linux
over 1 year
Is it possible to use it for drag and drop, both left and right mouse button? I use kwin and need right button drag and drop in order to resize windows (while holding windows/super key pressed in). Perhaps it just a matter of two finger touch followed instantly by a one finger swipe? And if this doesn't work out of the box, then perhaps you know if it is compatible with Touchégg so you could set it up there? Thanks!
Couldn't wait to get one! I can now gladly report that it works superbly for Xubuntu 14.04 as well! Left and right click drag-and-drop is supported out of the box; at the bottom of the touchpad there are designated left and right touch buttons that can be used for this purpose, should anyone else want to know.