Joined May 2011


New York, NY

Posted to Index for uuid[] Array Data Type over 1 year ago

Excellent, thank you. I tried the IF EXISTS, and it didn't work, then chased my tail trying to find the negative version. Catching the exception with duplicate_object works well. Really appreciative of your help. Happt New Year!

Posted to Index for uuid[] Array Data Type over 1 year ago

Is there a way I can check if this operator has already been created? I want to include it in my migrations, but only execute the sql if the operator hasn't already been created.

Posted to Index for uuid[] Array Data Type over 1 year ago

This is awesome thank you.

@codecarson: rspec -d works for me with v2.14.1

@calamari: Thanks for the tip, didn't know I could do this until I read this.

Posted to Rails: Casting Objects as Arrays over 1 year ago

Nice tip - thanks!

Thanks, I've been using default: [] in Rails 4.1.0.beta1 which seems to be working. Also, can you tell me how to edit my protips? I can't find an edit button anywhere!

Posted to Bootstrap without all the debt over 1 year ago

This is an excellent technique and something I hadn't considered. I was worried about the technical debt I was accumulating with Bootstrap, and was wondering how I could divorce my code from Bootstrap while still using it. Thanks for sharing!

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