I recently used bootstrap in a project and being a bootstrap user since V1 I've faced the un-semantic tag jungle way too often. But nevertheless I keep trying to untangle the tight twitter framework. Sometimes I thought Bootstrap was the ultimate twitter world domination plan, why open-source a framework fully usable only in twitter team's projects? Then I discovered the LESS mixins in the framework and started to use them. At first it went on smoothly and swiftly on wheels, but then I realize the HTML structure and classnames was coupled even in this level. So, now I'm slowly developing a mixin library of my own based in bootstrap. Now I've realized the real value of bootstrap is the concept itself, the mindset they put themselves on creating an easy prototyping framework and it's a project truly committed to one of the open-source foundations: learn to do things.
I love node and I the lack of stable platforms is not because node itself but the slow adoption in hosting solutions. And Why didn't you wrote a blog post and linked here? Saves the work of posting five parts and an apology
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Nephila Komaci

Excuse my ignorance, but what's the use case of this tip? Why would I do this?