Nice... that is a lot more elegant.
Whoops, you're absolutely right. Added the missing notify.
@quyennt Thanks, I added your line to the tip..
@gblahaerath Thanks, I updated the tip accordingly.
The ansible module looks for .my.cnf in the home directory of the ssh user, specifically, it does this:
mycnf = os.path.expanduser('~/.my.cnf')
Is ansible ssh'ing in as root, or are you sudo'ing?
@mdeiters Forgot about the existence of uuidgen, I edited the tip.
Note that the project moved to
If I just change that from PIPE to PIPE_ONCE, will that do the trick?
This is great. What I would really like is "bail if not all of the variables used by this template are set", without having to explicitly enumerate the variables.
The :& syntax isn't currently documented, I just submitted a pull request to document that:
In the example above, staging can be an individual host or any kind of group, including a top-level group.
Thanks, @reiz, link has been fixed.