Joined April 2019


Posted to Writing a queue system in Redis over 1 year ago

I began to be interested in programming while still in school, and I searched for information on the Internet and tried to master a completely new direction on my own. Then I decided to go to university for more extensive study and practice of the knowledge gained in practice. But despite this, I was still looking for more information, because I really like it. Also there on Paperial I recently found information about "setnx", everything is very clear and well described. But I was always very surprised by the fact that in any university, in addition to the specialized subjects necessary for your professionalism, you need to study general education subjects. And I never understood why this is necessary, especially why we, programmers, need to write a lot of scientific articles, coursework and the like. I basically did not spend my time on it and always used the resources that provide such services as writing paper online, and with a calm soul, I was engaged in programming. I was very lucky, you can say that I got to the right place at the right time and met a fairly well-known businessperson, and from the moment of our meeting I started working in his company. So at the time of graduation, I had a job in my specialty and of all my classmates and friends I had the most work experience.

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