Joined December 2020



Want to know the brightest flashlight? Here's the answer. It's the light on the top of the pyramid in Las Vegas. It is so bright that you can see the beam all the way from the L.A. airport in the next state over.

So the next question is this. Will it fit in your survival kit?

When looking for a survival flashlight, there are many factors to consider. But brightness is at the top of the list. And I've found that there are 4 ways to come up with the brightest flashlight.

Flashlight Brightness: Lumens Explained

First of all, brightness is measured in lumens. A lumen is a standard measurement of light seen by the human eye. So imagine this. You are standing in a 1 meter x 1 meter cardboard box. And you are holding a birthday candle. One lumen is the light that falls on the cardboard box. The more candles you hold, the more lumens you will shine onto the board and the brighter the light gets.

As I share the different flashlights, I'll always be referring to their lumens measurement.

Flashlight Performance: Comparison

Now let's look at performance. If you are looking for the absolute brightest, then check this out. How about the Titanium Innovations L70 with 7,000 lumens. The L70 has a 70 watt discharge bulb that shoots out an adjustable beam for miles. It isn't cheap though. The cost is $1000. And now there is a rumor that the people have an 8,000 lumen light prototype in the works.

But wait! Here's the REAL, most brightest flashlight in the entire world. The 48 XML U2 LED flashlight with 32,000 lumens. This thing is so bright that it generates enough heat to need its own cooling system.

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