Joined January 2019


Tutor at domyhomework
2343, Woodridgeway, Ypisilanti, Michigan, USA

Posted to HTML5 Websocket with AngularJS over 1 year ago

'use strict';

angular.module('MyCoolWebApp', ['ngWebsocket'])
.run(function ($websocket) {
var ws = $websocket.$new('ws://localhost:12345'); // instance of ngWebsocket, handled by $websocket service

    ws.$on('$open', function () {
        console.log('Oh my gosh, websocket is really open! Fukken awesome!');

        ws.$emit('ping', 'hi listening websocket server'); // send a message to the websocket server

        var data = {
            level: 1,
            text: 'ngWebsocket rocks!',
            array: ['one', 'two', 'three'],
            nested: {
                level: 2,
                deeper: [{
                    hell: 'yeah'
                }, {
                    so: 'good'

        ws.$emit('pong', data);

    ws.$on('pong', function (data) {
        console.log('The websocket server has sent the following data:');


    ws.$on('$close', function () {
        console.log('Noooooooooou, I want to have more fun with ngWebsocket, damn it!');
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