Joined October 2020

Andrew G


Thanks for sharing this possible approach. In my case I ran into trouble on the last step and I'm not sure how to fix my repo now. Upon adding the submodule I got an error: " not a git repository". so I tried to remove the created subfodler and try again, but it still didn't work.

Thanks if you could take a moment to help me explore how to fix it.

user@MacBookPro13 firehawk % git submodule add
fatal: not a git repository: /Users/user/git/firehawk-deploy-dev/firehawk/ansible/../../.git/modules/firehawk/modules/ansible
user@MacBookPro13 firehawk % cat ansible/.git
gitdir: ../../.git/modules/firehawk/modules/ansible
user@MacBookPro13 firehawk % git rm -r ansible
fatal: pathspec 'ansible' did not match any files
user@MacBookPro13 firehawk % rm -r ansible
user@MacBookPro13 firehawk % git submodule add
fatal: not a git repository: /Users/user/git/firehawk-deploy-dev/firehawk/ansible/../../.git/modules/firehawk/modules/ansible

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