Last Updated: June 26, 2023
· abishekrsrikaanth

Dynamically creating properties on objects using javascript

Object oriented JavaScript provides great flexibility when coding on the client side. Properties on the Javascript object help set values that can be used within the object to manage and use the data.

A background on what I mean by properties in javascript.

In javascript properties can be created by defining variables on a literal object.

For example

var obj = {
   property1: '',
   property2: ''

Now one can access these properties by using

obj.property1 = 'some value';
obj.property2 = 'some other value';

and similarly, they can also be used within functions that are within the object obj.

For example:

var obj = {
   property1: '',
   property2: '',
   foo : function(){

So now that we know how to create properties on javascript objects, let us look at how to create dynamic properties on Javascript

There are 2 ways to do this

Defining a dynamic property like an Array on the Javascript Object

Let us take the same example as above:

var obj = {
   property1: '',
   property2: ''

To create a dynamic property on the object obj we can do:

obj['property_name'] = 'some_value';

what this does is, it creates a new property on the object obj which can be accessed as


This will output the value some_value on the console.


// Example of an object property added with defineProperty with a data property descriptor
Object.defineProperty(obj, "property3", {value : 'some value',
                           writable : true,
                           enumerable : true,
                           configurable : true});
// 'property3' property exists on object obj and its value is 37

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