Last Updated: March 11, 2020
· blazeeboy

Download all messages between you and a friend from facebook

That was a little hard, getting all messages between you and a friend require that you know the thread ID, so i had to grab all your latest messages from inbox and prompt the user to choose one of them and tell me the ID next i faced a weird problem : Facebook Graph documentation is outdated and each time i get a request i can' access information the right way, so i had to inspect and use IRB step by step to get it done.

The third problem was that facebook treat messages as posts, so the first time you send a message to a friend is a post and all the other messages are comments T_T that made me cry, after getting all comments i had to get the original message in a separate request.

That was a harder script than i thought, but here we are, finished and ready for you to have fun with ;)

