Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· elad2412

How to make trim to row/title. using only CSS

This is Example how to make trim for a long title, with using only CSS.

by using this styles of CSS, at the end of the title will be added "..." when there isn't enough place to the text.

    text-overflow: ellipsis;
    white-space: nowrap;
    overflow: hidden;

you can see here in the example a long HTML H1 tag title.

<h1>this is very long long title with a lot of text this is very long long title with a lot of text this is very long long title with a lot of text <h1>

By using the css in the top, will get trim with "..." at the end of the text.

1. Works in all Browsers (Internet Explorer 7 And Above).<br>
2. You can use it only if you want that the text will break after one row. it wont work, when you want to make the trim after 2 rows and above, only one row!
