Last Updated: May 17, 2021
· Yuri Filatov

Functions for string in java

I've already made an article for some helpful tips, but I think there is a need to discuss all functions too. Shortly but understandable.

Firstly, of course, we have to initialize our string. What string is used for?

  • You want to look at your string as a line, not a mass of symbols.
  • You have a long text, so you work not with the letters, but with the words
  • If you have big information, you need functions that solve questions as quickly as possible.

String line;

Or with appropriate length

String line = new String[any length];

Getting a line from console

Scanner in = new Scanner(;
String line = in.nextLine();

If you need the position of any symbol, use indexOf(...)
It returns a numeric value (position) of a symbol (first if they are repeating) written in brackets.

If you need the position of any symbol, use indexOf(...)
It returns a numeric value (position) of a symbol (first if they are repeating) written in brackets.

int pos = line.indexOf('any symbol');

Remember, ' ' is for symbols, " " is for String (mass of symbols).


So when you get your position, you can cut your string.

For example, line="Hello-World" and you want to get line="Hello World", so you need a position of '-' and then cut it;

We use substring(...)

Here, in brackets (start position,end position);

So you cut from 0 position to the position of '-'.

Here, the position is 5. So newline = line.substring(0,5);

Then add the "tail" of our line ("World"). newline += line.substring(6, line.length());

length() is the amount of symbols in your line. So it can be used as the end position in substring.


If we want to compare two strings, we use equals(...)

It returns a boolean variable, so the result can be true or false.
Mostly used with if

if (line.equals(newline)==true)
System.out.println("Your lines are equal");


Checking for emptiness is very important in case you don't want to catch mistakes.

It returns a boolean variable, so the result can be only true or false. We use isEmpty(...)

if (line.isEmpty())


System.out.println("Your line is empty");



If you want to compare not the whole lines, but some parts (using pattern), use matches()

It returns a boolean variable, so mostly used with if

Pattern = regular expression

if (line.matches ("\\d{3}")
System.out.println("Your line contains 3 numbers");

Table with more information for regex: regular expressions

I hope, for one article it is enough written. If you want more, react on this article with likes or so on.

Good luck in your job!