Last Updated: September 09, 2019
· searsaw

Using View Composers in Laravel 4

Sometimes a view will need a variable every single time it is loaded. Perhaps we are developing a system for tracking users, and we want to display the number of users registered in our system next to a button to display the list of users. If we have a resource controller for our User model, we would have to pass a count of users on every method in that controller that displays a view, which is every single one! That isn't very DRY! Luckily, Laravel ships with a way to include this variable in every call to a particular view. We do this through the use of view composers.

Let's see how we might implement the behavior we outlined above.

View::composer('layouts.user', function($view)
    $view->with('num_of_users', User::getUserCount());

Whenever the "layouts.user" view is loaded, the getUserCount() function on the User model will be fired, and the result is stored in the $num_of_users variable. This variable will now be available in the "layouts.user" view. This lets us use the following code with confidence.

{{ link_to_route('user.index', 'All Users: ' . $num_of_users) }}

Damn, that was easy! Thanks, Laravel!

4 Responses
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Thanks a lot! Really helped me understand view composers.

over 1 year ago ·

Brilliant! I finally understand what a View Composer is!

over 1 year ago ·

nicely understood

over 1 year ago ·

Can I put the View::composer code inside a method of a controller?, i'm trying but the code inside is not running:

 * Controller method
public function patientDetail($code){
    // Obtain the patient
    $thepatient = Patient::where('document', '=', $code)->first();

View::composer('test.alltests', function($view){
    Log::info("In the patient composser");
    $view->with('patient', $thepatient);
return View::make('patient.detail', compact('thepatient'));


over 1 year ago ·