Follow organizations on GitHub
For some reason, GitHub does not feature any button for following an organization!
They all be like: "You should not want to do that." - Which is a bit silly, because I apparently want to do that.
So here's how:
Simply open a Javascript console (while logged in to GitHub of course) and execute:
Interesting, after you did this, you can even see the organization in your "Following" list, and you appear in the organizations "Follower" list. Hope they don't remove this feature ever...
Written by Moritz Schlarb
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3 Responses

Follow Organization Bookmarklet
javascript:$.post(""+$('.js-username').data('name')); void 0
Thanks for sharing! Btw, Github has many more undocumented / not officially supported features. Here is an example of good screencast about it:

The hack doesn't work anymore, but organizations you followed before are still followed. Is there are workaround to make the hack work again?
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